RT Article T1 Is drawing from the state ‘state of the art’?: a review of organised crime research data collection and analysis, 2004–2018 JF Trends in organized crime VO 22 IS 4 SP 394 OP 413 A1 Windle, James A2 Silke, Andrew LA English UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1819941116 AB This paper presents a systematic review of organised crime data collection and analysis methods. It did this by reviewing all papers published in Trends in Organized Crime and Global Crime between 2004 and 2018 (N = 463). The review identified a number of key weaknesses. First, organised crime research is dominated by secondary data analysis of open-access documents, and documents are seldom subjected to the same principles guiding primary data collection methods. Second, data analysis lacked balance with a distinct lack of inferential statistical analysis. Third, there was a significant absence of victim or offender voices with an overreliance on data from state bodies and the media. The paper concludes that organised crime, as field of research, appears unbalanced by reliance upon a small number of methods and sources. Rebalancing the field requires more organised crime researchers to speak to offenders and victims, employ greater use of statistical analysis and tighten our methodologies. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 411-413 K1 Organised Crime K1 Research Methods K1 Data Analysis K1 data collection K1 Interviews K1 Ethnography K1 Victims DO 10.1007/s12117-018-9356-5