RT Article T1 Cyber-organised crime: a case of moral panic? JF Trends in organized crime VO 22 IS 4 SP 357 OP 374 A1 Lavorgna, Anita LA English UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1819897508 AB A growing number of studies show that the advent of the Internet has transformed the organisational life of crime, with many academic and non-academic articles and reports describing various types of organisational structures involved in cybercrimes as Borganised crime^. Other researchers are more critical in applying the organised crime label to cybercrimes. These debates are not merely speculative and scholastic but have a real practical significance, as over-estimating organised crime involvement can attract more resources (which might end up being allocated in a less efficient way), additional legal powers, and support from the general public. This study aims to further this path of inquiry by investigating whether the advancement of the cyber-organised crime narrative in the UK can be identified also in the media discourse. More specifically, this study will analyse UK press to explore to what extent Bmoral panic^ can be identified, how primary definers use particular tactics and rhetorical constructions, and what are the dominant consequences. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 372-374 K1 Organised Crime K1 Cybercrime K1 Moral Panic K1 Risk society K1 Media Analysis DO 10.1007/s12117-018-9342-y