RT Article T1 Can agent-based simulation models replicate organised crime? JF Trends in organized crime VO 20 IS 1-2 SP 100 OP 119 A1 Troitzsch, Klaus G. 1946- LA English UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1819133516 AB The aim of the paper is to discuss the possibility of using complex software agents in a simulation model in order to represent and analyse the dynamics of certain types of criminal systems via Agent Based Modelling (ABM), in particular Extortion Racket Systems (ERSs). It presents a simulation model and the results of a large number of runs to find out under which parameter constellations governing the normative behaviour of the software agents the model replicates the macro observations in a number of provinces in Southern Italy. Finally the simulation model is applied to analysing strategies and their effect on the behaviour of the agents and the system as a whole. NO Published: 14 November 2016 NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 118-119 K1 Extortion rackets K1 Norms K1 Deliberative agents DO 10.1007/s12117-016-9298-8