RT Article T1 Assessing the developing knowledge-base of product counterfeiting: a content analysis of four decades of research JF Trends in organized crime VO 20 IS 3-4 SP 338 OP 369 A1 Sullivan, Brandon A. A2 Chan, Fiona A2 Fenoff, Roy A2 Wilson, Jeremy M. 1974- LA English UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1819071553 AB Considering the steady and rapid growth of product counterfeiting and the damage it causes to society, it is important for criminology and criminal justice scholars to assist criminal justice officials, industry practitioners, and law makers in understanding the product counterfeiting problem and developing strategies to combat it. However, for researchers to be effective in their advisory role they must first establish what is known about product counterfeiting. As a first step in this process, we investigated relevant published research through a content analysis of 47 articles discussing product counterfeiting published in criminal justice and criminology journals through 2014. We analyzed various characteristics about the articles themselves, their authors, the journals they appeared in, and the nature and extent of their focus on product counterfeiting. We conclude this study with an evaluation of the state of product counterfeiting research and recommendations for future research. NO Published: 30 December 2016 NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 367-369 K1 Product counterfeiting K1 Content Analysis K1 Literature Review K1 Criminology K1 Criminal Justice K1 Trademark infringement K1 Intellectual Property DO 10.1007/s12117-016-9300-5