RT Article T1 Domestic Violence, Companion Animal Abuse, and Help-Seeking: The Mediating Role of Fear of Lethal Violence JF Women & criminal justice VO 32 IS 5 SP 467 OP 481 A1 Barrett, Betty Jo A2 Fitzgerald, Amy J. A2 Cheung, Chi Ho LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1816897027 AB This study assesses the relationship between threatened/enacted violence against companion animals, intimate partner violence (IPV), fear of lethal violence, and help-seeking in a community sample of IPV survivors in Canada (n = 630). After controlling for socio-demographic covariates, IPV survivors who report animal maltreatment by their partner were significantly more likely to fear for their lives and to seek help from multiple sources of support than survivors who did not report animal maltreatment, with the relationship between animal abuse and help-seeking mediated by survivors’ fear of lethal IPV. Implications for the provision of effective services and supports to this high-risk population of IPV survivors are discussed. K1 pet abuse K1 Intimate Partner Violence K1 Help-seeking K1 Domestic Violence K1 Animal abuse DO 10.1080/08974454.2021.2004970