RT Article T1 Exploring the Gaps in Programming for Men and Women with a Gambling Disorder in the Correctional System in Canada JF International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology VO 66 IS 13/14 SP 1366 OP 1386 A1 Jindani, Farah A2 Cook, Steve A2 Shi, Jing A2 McAvoy, Steve A2 Asch, Chris Myers A2 Matheson, Flora I. A2 van der Maas, Mark A2 Sanchez, Sherald A2 Ferentzy, Peter A2 Turner, Nigel E. 1963- LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1816075531 AB The prevalence of problem gambling in the correctional system is about 10 times higher than in the general population, but programming for gambling problems in the correctional system is scarce. Examined barriers to treatment for problem gamblers in the correctional system, sex or gender differences, and options for program design. We conducted interviews with 16 experts who had worked with problem gamblers in the correctional system and analyzed the data in terms of themes. For barriers, the experts discussed a lack of awareness about problem gambling, as well as stigmatization and lockdowns. Experts described the content of current programs as equally applicable to both men and women, but that emotional components were more important for women. Finally, the experts had mixed views on whether programming should be integrated with other programs such as substance abuse. Programming implications for this population are discussed. K1 Correctional System K1 Qualitative Research K1 Criminal Behavior K1 Treatment K1 Offenders K1 Problem gambling DO 10.1177/0306624X211013743