RT Book T1 Crossing the river Styx: the memoir of a death row chaplain A1 Ford, Russ 1951- A2 Peppers, Charles 2000- A2 Peppers, Todd C. 1967- LA English PP Charlottesville London PB University of Virginia Press YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1815920106 AB "The memoir of Russ Ford, a former Virginia prison chaplain who by the time he retired had accompanied twenty-eight men into the death chamber. Drawing on the stories of the condemned men, and his relationship with them, Ford illuminates the brutality of and myriad problems with capital punishment"-- NO Includes bibliographical references CN HV8867 SN 9780813949116 K1 Prison chaplains : Virginia : Biography K1 Death Row inmates : Virginia K1 Capital Punishment : Virginia K1 Virginia : Justizvollzugsanstalt : Todesstrafe : Seelsorger