RT Book T1 Cannabis criminology T2 Drugs, crime and society A1 Wheeldon, Johannes A2 Heidt, Jon LA English PP London New York PB Routledge YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1813138516 AB Accompanied by a podcast called "The Cannabis Criminology Podcast." As a limited series podcast, the authors will review key aspects of the book and interview scholars and activists working in this area. Very timely as the (potential) legalisation of cannabis has received much attention across the globe in recent decades/years, and this interest is set to continue for many years to come. Most research tends to focus on drugs as a whole, whereas this book focus solely on cannabis, and as such offers the depth needed to grasp the topic more effectively. Fits into several topics/modules within criminology, sociology, law, drug policy and public health. Comprehensive in its coverage, exploring history, frameworks of analysis, evidence to date, key initiatives, and providing examples from relevant jurisdictions CN HV5822.C3 SN 9781032140865 SN 9781032140858 K1 Cannabis : History K1 Cannabis : Social aspects K1 Cannabis : Government policy K1 Cannabis : Law and legislation K1 Criminal justice law K1 Criminology: legal aspects K1 Drug & substance abuse: social aspects K1 Krankheit und Sucht: soziale Aspekte K1 Kriminologie: Rechtliche Aspekte K1 LAW118000 K1 Medical sociology K1 Medizinsoziologie K1 PSYCHOLOGY / Psychopathology / Addiction K1 Penology & punishment K1 Psychological theory & schools of thought K1 Psychologie: Theorien und Denkschulen K1 Social Science / Criminology K1 Sentencing & punishment K1 Social, group or collective psychology K1 Sociology K1 Sozialpsychologie K1 Soziologie K1 Strafgerichtsbarkeit K1 Strafrechtswissenschaft (Pönologie)