RT Article T1 A Global View of Women, Prison, and Aftercare: A Call for Reform JF Violence against women VO 28 IS 8 SP 1788 OP 1808 A1 Beichner, Dawn A2 Hagemann, Otmar LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1801819297 AB Ending violence against women—part of the priority theme of the CSW65—is an international human rights issue. We must prevent and combat violence against all women, including those who are incarcerated worldwide. Incarcerated women are among the most marginalized populations; they have suffered numerous victimizations without ever seeing their perpetrators brought to justice. Though most incarcerated women have committed non-violent offenses, they are locked away in prisons, far away from their loved ones, and subject to inhumane conditions. According to international human rights law, preventing VAW is the responsibility of the State in all contexts, including prisons. In this article, we acknowledge the global treatment of women in prison as a form of State violence against women and provide policy reform for incarcerated women worldwide. We propose four strategies to reform women's incarceration worldwide: (1) recognizing and dismantling systemic and institutionalized discrimination and biases; (2) abolition of prison sentences for non-violent offenders; (3) restorative approaches to aftercare (or reentry); and (4) making children the priority. K1 United Nations K1 Reform K1 Abolition K1 Incarceration K1 Women DO 10.1177/10778012221085997