RT Article T1 The limits of discretion in the investigation and prosecution of war crimes at the international level: The Mavi Marmara saga JF Bergen journal of criminal law & criminal justice VO 10 IS 1 SP 1 OP 26 A1 Billis, Emmanouil 1983- LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/180181743X AB The article deals with the basic criteria involved in the selection of situations to be investigated and cases to be prosecuted before the International Criminal Court. These are examined in light of the goals of international criminal justice and the structural and evidentiary difficulties encountered by judicial mechanisms of international mission and composition. The analysis focuses on the limits of prosecutorial discretion at the level of international criminal justice. The Mavi Marmaraship incident is used hereto as a key point of reference. K1 sufficient gravity K1 Prosecutorial Discretion K1 International Criminal Court K1 goals of international criminal justice DO 10.15845/bjclcj.v10i1.3686