RT Image T1 Still doing life: 22 lifers, 25 years later A1 Zehr, Howard 1944- A2 Toews, Barb LA English PP New York London PB The New Press YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1801268053 AB Kimberly Joynes, "You have come to a point where you believe goodness feels better than the pain you have endured" -- Charles Diggs "Hope, the echo in my brain, keeps me stimulated" -- Craig Datesman, "Meeting with the victim's family was the best thing" -- Marilyn Dobrolenski, "Getting through one day at a time" -- Commer Glass, "This is our community, but it's not our home" -- Brian Wallace, "I always believed I was getting out, I just didn't know when" -- Marie Scott, "You aren't the only one being punished, your family is too" -- Ricardo Mercado, "People care, you just have to cross paths with them" -- Betty Heron, "I've always felt like a tightrope walker" -- Bruce Norris, "I've learned that no matter where you are, you always have to give back" -- Yvonne Cloud, "I took a life, now I try to save lives" -- Joseph Miller, "I pray every day for the victim and his family" -- Aaron Fox, "You have to have a dream in life" -- Diane Weaver, "I'm running out of things to do" -- Bruce Bainbridge, "I struggle with keeping my humanity" -- Hugh Williams, "Everything we do has a purpose" -- Harry Twiggs, "We can draw from the first life and see our mistakes" -- Gaye Morley, "Seeking that inner peace" -- Kevin Mines, "It's part of my spirit to help people" -- James Taylor, "I was in a prison of my own mind" -- Cyd Berger, "If you let your crime define you, you will never see your potential" -- John Frederick Nole, "The meaning of life is to try to live it to its fullest, regardless of where you're at", "This is like the first fruit that I've ever had, and it's quite delicious" -- Life sentences : trauma, race, and restorative justice / by Barb Toews. NO "Photographs and interviews of people serving life sentences in prison, separated by a quarter century"--Cover NO Includes bibliographical references -- Includes bibliographical references (pages 187-190) CN HV8711 SN 9781620976487 K1 Life Imprisonment : Pennsylvania K1 Prisoners : Pennsylvania : Interviews K1 Women Prisoners : Pennsylvania : Interviews K1 African American prisoners : Pennsylvania : Interviews K1 Life Imprisonment K1 Prisoners K1 Women Prisoners K1 Interviews K1 illustrated books K1 Illustrated works K1 Ouvrages illustrés K1 Pennsylvania K1 Interview K1 Pennsylvania : Strafvollzug : Lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe : Gefangener : Weibliche Gefangene : Fotografie : Interview