RT Book T1 Bad trips: how I went from Vice reporter to international drug smuggler A1 Pastuk, Slava A2 Whitney, Brian LA English PP Toronto PB Dundurn Press YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/180117556X AB "The memoir of a music editor at VICE who tried to become the coolest reporter the magazine had ever had — by becoming an international drug smuggler. In 2019, Canadian music reporter Slava P., an editor for VICE media, was sentenced to nine years in prison for recruiting friends into a scheme to smuggle cocaine from the U.S. into Australia. Five of them were already in jail. Immediately, Slava P. was internationally infamous. Was he a victim of pressure to commit extreme acts for the sake of a good story? A product of a drug-obsessed work environment? Or a manipulator, who pushed vulnerable young people into crime? Here, Slava P. tells his side of the story: what exactly happened and how the precarious, dog-eat-dog atmosphere of a media company can lead the young, the naïve, and the ambitious into taking crazy risks. Bad Trips is a story of drugs, hip-hop, influencers, and glamour, set against the backdrop of one of the world’s most influential news and entertainment sites, VICE. Its cast of beautiful young people and semi-famous rappers passes from the seediest apartments to the most elegant of private clubs. Slava’s chronicling of his years at this famous hotbed of excess is a piercing insight into contemporary media culture."-- CN 364.1/3365092 SN 9781459749252 K1 Pastuk, Slava K1 Drug couriers : Canada : Biography K1 Drug traffic : Canada K1 Drug traffic : Australia K1 Drug couriers K1 Drug traffic K1 Autobiographies K1 Biographies K1 Australia K1 Canada K1 USA : Australien : Cocain : Drogenhandel : Schmuggel : Journalist