RT Article T1 The dark footprint of state violence: A synthetic approach to the American crime decline JF Theoretical criminology VO 26 IS 2 SP 326 OP 346 A1 Roussell, Aaron A2 Sexton, Lori A2 Deppen, Paul A2 Omori, Marisa A2 Scheibler, Esther LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1800608330 AB This project combines the conversation on the national crime rate with emerging discussions on the violence that the state perpetrates against civilians. To measure US lethal violence holistically, we reconceptualize the traditional definitional boundaries of violence to erase arbitrary distinctions between state- and civilian-caused crime and violence. Discussions of the “crime decline” focus specifically on civilian crime, positioning civilians as the sole danger to the health, wealth, and safety of individuals. Violence committed by the state—from police homicide to deaths in custody to in-prison sexual assault—is not found in the traditionally reported crime rate. These absences belie real dangers posed to individuals which are historical and contemporary, nonnegligible, and possibly rising. We present Uniform Crime Report data side-by-side with data on police killings, deaths in custody, and executions from sources such as Fatal Encounters, the Washington Post, the Guardian, and the Center for Disease Control to produce a robust discussion of deaths produced through the criminal legal system. We ground this empirical analysis in a broader conceptual framework that situates state violence squarely within the realm of US crime, and explore the implications of this more holistic view of crime for future analyses. K1 Violent Crime K1 State violence K1 police homicide K1 police and policing K1 Homicide K1 definitions of crime K1 Critical Criminology K1 Crime trends K1 crimes of the state K1 Crime Control DO 10.1177/1362480620984233