RT Article T1 Mediating Violence in Jamaica Through a Gang Truce JF International criminal justice review VO 32 IS 2 SP 129 OP 150 A1 Katz, Charles M. 1969- A2 Harriott, Anthony A2 Hedberg, E. C. 1978- LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1799692728 AB The article examines a gang-related peace initiative instituted in Greater August Town, Jamaica. Our objective was to understand the negotiation processes and determine whether the gang truce resulted in the desired outcome: a reduction in homicide. Bivariate analyses showed a significant decline in homicides immediately following the truce. Upon closer examination, however, comparing change in the target area to the balance areas in Jamaica and accounting for temporal trends, we found that the decline in homicide was part of a larger nationwide decline in violence and that the gang truce was not responsible for the decline. The only significant effect was the possibility that homicides were displaced outside the target area for a brief period of time. K1 Intervention K1 Homicide K1 Violence K1 truce K1 Gang K1 Jamaica DO 10.1177/1057567720975631