RT Article T1 Linking supervisory procedural accountability to officer procedural accountability in Chinese policing JF Policing and society VO 29 IS 7 SP 749 OP 764 A1 Wu, Yuning A2 Van Craen, Maarten A2 Sun, Ivan Y. A2 Liu, Jianhong LA English YR 2019 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1796403962 AB An important yet severely understudied issue in the procedural justice literature involves the linkage between supervisory procedural accountability within a police agency and officer procedural accountability on the street. Relying on the survey data collected from more than 700 police officers in a large Chinese city, this study finds that the effect of supervisory procedural accountability on officer procedural accountability is principally indirect through the mediating factors of officer satisfaction with job and morale, net of several control variables. Noticeably, surveyed officers report only moderate levels of procedural accountability delivered by their supervisors, and even lower levels of accountability that they themselves are willing to render to the public. Implications for future research and policy are discussed. K1 Chinese policing K1 General Strain Theory K1 Learning K1 Police Accountability K1 Procedural Justice DO 10.1080/10439463.2017.1391809