RT Article T1 Exploring How Gender and Sex Are Measured in Criminology and Victimology: Are we Measuring What we Say we Are Measuring? JF Women & criminal justice VO 32 IS 1/2 SP 205 OP 218 A1 Crittenden, Courtney A. A2 Gateley, Hannah C. A2 Policastro, Christina N. A2 McGuffee, Karen M. LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1796007277 AB Throughout the years, there have been sustained and increasing calls for criminology to become more inclusive in its research and measurements with the purpose of improving our knowledge of crime and victimization. The current study examined articles published in the past five years in a mainstream criminological journal and a well-respected victimization journal to explore the inclusion and operationalization of gender and sex. Findings indicate that measures of gender and sex were included more in the diversity-focused victimization journal compared to the mainstream criminological journal. In both journals, however, conceptualizations and operationalizations of these constructs rarely fell outside of a binary measure, which suggests the measurement and inclusion of gender are still lacking, and oftentimes when we say we are measuring gender we are actually still measuring sex. K1 Gender DO 10.1080/08974454.2020.1826388