RT Article T1 The Interplay Between Poly-Victimization and Sexual Assault in Late Life in the Context of Life Course Perspective JF Violence against women VO 28 IS 5 SP 1282 OP 1301 A1 Lev, Sagit A2 Harel, Dovrat A2 Goldblatt, Hadass A2 Band-Winterstein, Tova LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/179554449X AB The aim of this article is to explore the interplay between poly-victimization and sexual assault against women in late life (SAWLL) according to the life-course perspective. Two themes emerged from qualitative interviews with 18 experienced welfare and health care professionals who intervened in cases of SAWLL: sexual assault by a spouse co-occurring with other types of abuse within marital relationships, and sexual assault and other types of abuse by two or more perpetrators along the life course. In many cases, SAWLL is an expression of a broader experience of poly-victimization, which relates to vulnerability in old age. K1 Life-course perspective K1 Poly-victimization K1 sexual assault DO 10.1177/10778012211012092