RT Article T1 Exploring Help Seeking Patterns for Emerging Adult Victims Using the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey JF Violence against women VO 28 IS 5 SP 1188 OP 1212 A1 Addington, Lynn A. LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1795544325 AB Emerging adulthood is a critical developmental period and a particularly important one for studying responses to interpersonal victimization as they can shape future coping patterns. This study focuses on non-college-attending emerging adults to explore their use of help seeking and satisfaction with resources. Comparisons are made with their college-attending counterparts. The findings highlight (a) the importance of friends across gender and education levels as a common resource and one perceived as helpful and (b) the large proportion of victims of interpersonal violence who do not seek any help. These results are discussed in connection with future research and policy implications. K1 NISVS K1 emerging adults K1 help seeking DO 10.1177/10778012211014552