RT Article T1 Cognitive and behavioral radicalization: a systematic review of the putative risk and protective factors JF Campbell Systematic Reviews VO 17 IS 3 SP 1 OP 90 A1 Wolfowicz, Michael A2 Litmanovitz, Yael A2 Weisburd, David 1954- A2 Ḥasisi, Badi LA English YR 2021 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1793903514 AB Two of the most central questions in radicalization research are, (1) why do some individuals radicalize when most of those from the same groups or exposed to similar conditions do not? and (2) why do radicalized individuals turn to radical violence while the majority remain inert? It has been suggested that the answer to both questions lie in the cumulative and interactive effects of a range of risk factors. While risk assessment and counter-radicalization take a risk-protective factor approach, there is widespread debate as to what these factors are and which are most important. CN 360; 340 K1 Radikalisierung K1 Frage K1 Risikoanalyse DO 10.1002/cl2.1174