RT Article T1 Critical hate studies: A new perspective JF International review of victimology VO 28 IS 1 SP 92 OP 108 A1 James, Zoƫ A2 McBride, Katie LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1786542935 AB This paper sets out a critical perspective that cohesively explains why hate happens in late modernity and its impact on the lived experience of victims. The paper challenges existing theoretical accounts of hate by presenting a psycho-social approach to subjectivity that acknowledges the impact of neoliberal capitalism on the lived experience. By doing so, the paper is able to account for the extremities of hate in society and its apparent normalcy. In conclusion, the paper argues that an interrogation of the extent of the harms of hate should be framed within a positive discourse wherein the human need to flourish, rather than survive, is recognised. K1 Recognition K1 Capitalism K1 Neoliberalism K1 Bias-motivated violence K1 Hate DO 10.1177/02697580211037854