RT Article T1 The Intersection Between Sex and Race in Understanding Substance Co-Use Patterns in Adolescents From the Fragile Families Study JF Journal of drug issues VO 52 IS 1 SP 15 OP 30 A1 Gajos, Jamie M. A2 Purcell, Juliann B. A2 Mrug, Sylvie LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/178240547X AB The current study examined the prevalence of alcohol, cigarette, and cannabis co-use among a longitudinal cohort of youth predominately born to single-parent families. Data were drawn from wave six of the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N = 2976; Mage = 15.6; 49% female; 53% non-Hispanic Black, 27% Hispanic, 20% White). Adolescents’ reports of their past 30-day use of alcohol, cigarettes, and cannabis were used to construct eight mutually exclusive use groups. Multinomial logistic regressions adjusting for sociodemographic factors revealed that Black adolescents were at lower relative risk of using Alcohol Only compared to White adolescents. Black males were at greater relative risk of using Cannabis Only than both White males and Black females. Finally, Hispanic males were at a marginally increased relative risk of co-using Alcohol and Cannabis compared to White males. Prevention efforts targeting Black and Hispanic males’ use of cannabis (both alone and in combination with alcohol) may be beneficial. K1 High-risk adolescents K1 Cannabis K1 Cigarettes K1 Alcohol K1 Substance co-use patterns K1 Fragile families DO 10.1177/00220426211041093