RT Article T1 The Effects of victimization prior to prison on victimization, misconduct, and sanction severity during incarceration JF Crime & delinquency VO 67 IS 12 SP 1856 OP 1878 A1 Meade, Benjamin 1981- A2 Wasileski, Gabriela A2 Hunter, Alisha LA German YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1780537123 AB Numerous studies have examined the correlation between physical and/or sexual victimization and offending and re-victimization later in life. However, fewer studies have explored how such victimization affects the adjustment of those incarcerated and the sanctioning decisions of correctional personnel. Using a nationally representative sample of inmates in state prisons, this study utilized hierarchical generalized linear modeling to examine whether victimization prior to incarceration was associated with the likelihood of victimization, misconduct, and sanctioning severity for misconduct during incarceration. Our results confirmed findings of previous research in regards to the victimization and offending/re-victimization relationship. In addition, we discovered that victimization prior to prison is associated with harsher disciplinary sanctioning in prison. Implications of our findings for research and policy are discussed. K1 Corrections K1 Prisons K1 Victimization K1 Re-victimization K1 Misconduct