RT Article T1 Gun acquisition in Mexico 2012ā€“18: findings from Mexicoš”ƒ»s National Crime Victimization Survey JF The British journal of criminology VO 61 IS 4 SP 1066 OP 1085 A1 Weigend Vargas, Eugenio A2 PĆ©rez Ricart, Carlos A. 1987- LA English YR 2021 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1767117310 AB Data from Mexicoā€™s National Crime Victimization Surveys (Encuesta Nacional de VictimizaciĆ³n y PercepciĆ³n sobre Seguridad PĆŗblica, ENVIPE) indicate that 1.89 million Mexican households acquired a gun from 2012 to 2018. The objective of this article is to analyse factors associated with gun acquisition in Mexico. We analysed data from the 2013 through 2019 ENVIPE surveys and ran a binary logistic regression. Our results show that gun acquisition in Mexico is associated with the demographics of the head of the household, characteristics of the household, perception of insecurity, illegal activities around a household, victimization and mistrust in security agencies. This study adds to efforts of understanding gun acquisition worldwide while also contributing to the complex research of guns and violence in Latin America, specifically in Mexico. K1 gun acquisition K1 Victimization Surveys K1 gun violence in Mexico DO 10.1093/bjc/azaa102