RT Book T1 Mass mediated representations of crime and criminality T2 Studies in media and communications JF Studies in media and communications A2 Wiest, Julie B. LA English PP United Kingdom North America Japan India Malaysia China PB Emerald Publishing YR 2021 ED 1st edition UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1765936888 AB Sponsored by the Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology section of the American Sociological Association (CITAMS), this volume of Studies in Media and Communications features social science research that examines the practices, patterns, and messages related to representations of crime in mass media around the world. Chapters focus on a wide range of fact-based and fictional accounts of criminality as depicted in print and broadcast news, documentary and video-on-demand films, and television programs. Stories about crime and criminality have long been the mainstay of news and entertainment media content, and the intersection of crime and media is a common topic in scholarly research. Moreover, substantial evidence indicates that these media depictions are highly influential as people in economically advanced societies- who tend to have little personal experience with crime-form perceptions about criminality, crime rates, characteristics of criminals, and even their own likelihood of victimization. Thus, ongoing examination of crime images within various types of mass media aids in understanding the associated messages and meanings that are disseminated to consumers. This volume will enhance the knowledge of junior and senior scholars in criminology, sociology, journalism, and communication/media studies, particularly because of its inclusion of crime stories in a variety of formats and that represent media content from nations spanning five continents. NO Angabe in Acknowledgments Seite xv: "this volume ... arose from the successful 2019 Media Sociology Preconference plenary that i organized and moderated titled "Media Representations of Crime: Constructing Culture and Shaping Social Life" CN P96.C74 SN 9781800437586 SN 9781800437609 K1 Crime in mass media K1 Criminal Behavior K1 Language Arts & Disciplines, Communication Studies K1 Communication Studies K1 Criminalité dans les médias K1 Aufsatzsammlung K1 Massenmedien : Kriminalität : Berichterstattung : Internationaler Vergleich DO 10.1108/S2050-2060202121