RT Article T1 Police Legitimacy and the Norm to Cooperate: Using a Mixed Effects Location-Scale Model to Estimate the Strength of Social Norms at a Small Spatial Scale JF Journal of quantitative criminology VO 37 IS 2 SP 547 OP 572 A1 Jackson, Jonathan 1974- A2 Brunton-Smith, Ian A2 Sturgis, Patrick A2 Bradford, Ben A2 Oliveira, Thiago R. A2 Pósch, Krisztián LA English YR 2021 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1760932817 AB Test whether cooperation with the police can be modelled as a place-based norm that varies in strength from one neighborhood to the next. Estimate whether perceived police legitimacy predicts an individual’s willingness to cooperate in weak-norm neighborhoods, but not in strong-norm neighborhoods where most people are either willing or unwilling to cooperate, irrespective of their perceptions of police legitimacy. K1 Police K1 Legitimacy K1 Cooperation K1 Micro-place K1 Multi-level modelling DO 10.1007/s10940-020-09467-5