RT Article T1 Who ‘Tweets’ Where and When, and How Does it Help Understand Crime Rates at Places? Measuring the Presence of Tourists and Commuters in Ambient Populations JF Journal of quantitative criminology VO 37 IS 2 SP 333 OP 359 A1 Tucker, Riley A2 Castro, Edgar A2 Ciomek, Alexandra A2 O'Brien, Daniel T. 1983- A2 Phillips, Nolan Edward A2 Wang, Qi LA English YR 2021 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/176090211X AB Test the reliability of geotagged Twitter data for estimating block-level population metrics across place types. Evaluate whether the proportion of Twitter users on a block at a given time who are local residents, inter-metro commuters, or tourists is correlated with incidences of public violence and private conflict for four different time periods: weekday days, weekday nights, weekend days, and weekend nights. K1 Routine Activities K1 Ambient populations K1 Commuters K1 Tourists K1 Twitter DO 10.1007/s10940-020-09487-1