RT Article T1 Research Note: An Investigation of Cybercrime Victims' Reporting Behavior$VLies de Kimpe, Michel Walrave, Thom Snaphaan, Lieven Pauwels, Wim Hardyns, Koen Ponnet JF European journal of crime, criminal law and criminal justice VO 29 IS 1 SP 66 OP 78 A1 Kimpe, Lies De A2 Walrave, Michel A2 Snaphaan, Thom A2 Pauwels, Lieven 1974- A2 Hardyns, Wim A2 Ponnet, Koen LA English YR 2021 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/175941851X K1 Cybercrime K1 Reporting K1 Victimization K1 Dark number K1 Policing