RT Article T1 The effects of body-worn cameras on police-citizen encounters and police activity: evaluation of a pilot implementation in Philadelphia, PA JF Journal of experimental criminology VO 16 IS 4 SP 463 OP 480 A1 Groff, Elizabeth A2 Haberman, Cory P. A2 Wood, Jennifer D. LA English YR 2020 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1752951468 AB Examine changes in officer behavior, when wearing body-worn cameras, as revealed by pedestrian stops, vehicle stops, arrests, use of force, and citizen complaints during a pilot implementation in a racially diverse jurisdiction in the Northeast region of the USA. K1 Police body-worn cameras K1 Use of force K1 Citizen complaints K1 Arrests K1 pedestrian stops K1 Vehicle stops DO 10.1007/s11292-019-09383-0