RT Article T1 Commentary on the Special Issue: New Ways of Thinking Theoretically About Violence Against Women and Other Forms of Gender-Based Violence JF Violence against women VO 27 IS 5 SP 708 OP 716 A1 Hunnicutt, Gwen LA English YR 2021 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1751311953 AB I contextualize and provide commentary on this special issue that addresses new ways of thinking theoretically about violence against women and other forms of gender-based violence. After extracting key insights from each article, I explore how these contributions might inform our understanding of contemporary challenges related to violence against women. Next, I consider the #MeToo movement in light of the work presented in this volume. Finally, I consider what the #MeToo movement is signaling to scholars about new ways of thinking about violence against women and how this volume of work supports these key areas for focus and change. K1 Article Commentary K1 partner abuse K1 Feminist Theory K1 #MeToo K1 Patriarchy K1 Violence against women DO 10.1177/1077801220958484