RT Book T1 Canadian landmark cases in forensic mental health A1 Glancy, Graham A2 Regehr, Cheryl LA English PP Toronto Buffalo London PB University of Toronto Press YR 2020 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1747938521 AB Landmark Cases -- Expert Testimony -- Insanity Defence -- Criminal Responsibility -- Clarifying Wrongfulness -- Voluntariness -- Fitness to Stand Trial -- Access to Treatment -- Duty to Warn -- Consent to Treatment -- Assessing Damages. AB "High profile legal cases involving individuals with mental health challenges often involve complex issues that confront previous decisions of the courts, influence or change existing social policies, and ultimately have a profound impact on the daily practice of mental health professionals and the lives of their patients. Providing in-depth context into milestone cases in forensic mental health, this book addresses issues such as the confidentiality of mental health records, criminal responsibility, fitness to stand trial, the right of individuals to refuse mental health treatment, and the duty of mental health practitioners to warn and protect individuals who may be at risk of harm at the hands of a patient. The authors explore the social and political context in which these cases occurred, incorporating court decisions, contemporaneous media articles, and legal reviews in the analysis. Graham Glancy and Cheryl Regehr, who are experts in the field of Forensic Psychiatry, draw upon their own practice, in addition to scholarly literature, to describe the impact of the decisions rendered by the courts in the area of mental health, and offer practical guidelines for professionals working at the interface of law and mental health."-- NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN KE8841 SN 1487507356 SN 9781487507350 SN 9781487525040 SN 1487525044 K1 Insanity (law) : Canada : Cases K1 Mentally ill offenders : Legal status, laws, etc : Canada : Cases K1 Competency to stand trial : Canada : Cases K1 Forensic Psychiatry : Canada : Cases K1 Involuntary treatment : Law and legislation : Canada : Cases K1 Casebooks (Law) K1 Kanada : Gerichtliche Psychiatrie