RT Article T1 Binational organizations of Mexican migrants in the United States JF Social justice VO 26 IS 3 SP 27 OP 38 A1 Rivera Salgado, Gaspar LA English YR 1999 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1747159816 AB Part of a special issue on collective identities, social problems, and movements. The writer discusses binational organizations of Mexican migrants in the U.S. and their attempts to respond to complex problems facing migrants on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. He locates these organizations within the context of the history of Mexican migration to the U.S. and its changing profile. He examines the experiences of federations of civic clubs from several Mexican states, known as “Hometown Associations,” that began in the 1970s and the more recent grassroots organizations of indigenous migrants. He identifies the challenges ahead for cross-border organizations as being to build upon the experiences of already existing social networks of migrants and to transcend the “local” vision to form links with other social and political sectors and internationalize the migration problem. K1 Immigrants -- United States K1 Societies K1 Immigrants K1 Political Participation K1 Transnationalism K1 Mexicans -- United States K1 Social Movements K1 Immigrants -- Political activity