RT Article T1 Latino Immigrant Rights in the Shadow of the National Security State: Responses to Domestic Preemptive Strikes JF Social justice VO 31 IS 1/2 SP 67 OP 91 A1 Jonas, Susanne 1941- A2 Tactaquin, Catherine LA English YR 2004 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1747158321 AB Part of a special issue on resisting militarism and globalized punishment. Issues relating to, and struggles for, immigrant rights that oppose the U.S.-centric “national security” mentality that has developed since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the U.S. are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the rights of Latino immigrants. It is argued that the way in which immigrants in the U.S.are treated will shape the future of democracy in all areas of the Americas. K1 Subversive activities K1 Democracy K1 National Security K1 Hispanic Americans K1 Immigrants K1 Immigrants -- Civil rights K1 Counterterrorism -- United States K1 United States -- Emigration & immigration -- Government policy