RT Article T1 Geopolitics, Culture Clash, and Gender After September 11 JF Social justice VO 32 IS 4 SP 11 OP 31 A1 Razack, Sherene 1955- LA English YR 2005 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1747157686 AB Part of a special issue on race, racism, and empire in the Canadian context. In a review essay, the writer considers three books that highlight the confluence taking place between Western feminism and racism. The three books are The Rage and the Pride, by Orianna Fallaci; The New Anti-Semitism, by Phyllis Chesler; and The Trouble With Islam, by Irshad Manji. These books all advance the idea of a culture clash of epic proportion between the West and Islam. The writer examines the notion of “culture clash” and the role of gender and modern/pre-modern racial logic in its construction; demonstrates how the culture clash argument is integral to characterizing the Muslim man as a threat to all women; and connects culture clash and the idea of Muslim male violence to the representations of the Israel-Palestine conflict in Chesler and Manji's books. K1 Arabs K1 Muslims K1 Feminism K1 Racism K1 Arab-Israeli conflict, 1993- K1 Feminists K1 Counterterrorism K1 September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 K1 Geopolitics K1 Antisemitism K1 Feminism & politics K1 Islamophobia K1 Muslim Women