RT Article T1 Market Patriotism and the “War on Terror” JF Social justice VO 34 IS 3/4 SP 111 OP 131 A1 Whyte, David 1955- LA English YR 2007 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1747157147 AB A study was conducted to explore how the current U.S. imperial project combines an increasingly obvious economic rationale with a more overt nationalist one. Data were obtained from a review of the literature on imperialism and U.S. market partriotism. Findings revealed that, under conditions of a “war on terror,” market patriotism has been mobilized to facilitate the uninterrupted accumulation of profits and provide a framework for the increased collaboration between private companies and government institutions. Findings also revealed that market patriotism has found political expression in the organization of consent for the war on terror, and that the same market patriotism is emerging to provide a broader common-sense framework for the mobilization of public and private apparatuses to “secure the Imperium” at home and overseas. Findings are discussed in detail. K1 Editorials K1 United States -- History, Military -- 21st century K1 Free Enterprise K1 War on Terrorism, 2001-2009 K1 Iraq War, 2003-2011 K1 Neoliberalism K1 Imperialism K1 United States -- Foreign economic relations