RT Article T1 From Hometown Clubs to Transnational Social Movement: The Evolution of Oaxacan Migrant Associations in California JF Social justice VO 42 IS 3/4 SP 118 OP 136 A1 Rivera Salgado, Gaspar LA English YR 2015 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1747155004 AB The article discusses the formation and evolution of Oaxacan immigrant-led social movements in California, with emphasis on Frente Indígena de Organizaciones Binacionales (FIOB) or the Binational Front of Indigenous Organization. Topics discussed include the evolution of hometown associations to transnational movements, the history of migration of Oaxaca indigenous people, and the fight of FIOB for human rights and political rights. K1 Political rights K1 Human Rights K1 Indigenous peoples of Mexico K1 Social Movements K1 Community Organization