RT Article
T1 "I Accept that I Have Nobody": Young Women, Youth Justice, and Expectations of Responsibility during Reentry
JF Social justice
VO 44
IS 1
SP 62
OP 82
A1 Myers, Randy 1983-
LA English
YR 2017
UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1747154369
AB The article discusses the psychology and social conditions of young teenage women in criminal justice system for juvenile delinquents in Valley County, U.S., including their attitudes, hopes and expectations on their entry into society. An overview of female juvenile delinquents' experiences in detention homes' drug abuse treatment services, is provided.
K1 Psychology
K1 Drug abuse Treatment
K1 Teenage girls -- United States
K1 Female juvenile delinquents -- Social conditions
K1 Deinstitutionalization of prisoners
K1 Female juvenile delinquents
K1 Juvenile detention homes
K1 Teenagers
K1 Drug Abuse