RT Article T1 Editors' Introduction: Policing the Protest Cycle of the 2010s JF Social justice VO 46 IS 2/3 SP 1 OP 27 A1 Maroto Calatayud, Manuel A2 González Sánchez, Ignacio A2 Brandariz García, José Ángel 1971- LA English YR 2020 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1747153923 AB An introduction to the journal is presented in which the editor discusses various articles published within the issue on topics like protest movements, the public safety law in Spain, and the mass mobilization in Hong Kong. NO Vorlage nicht korrekt: im Heft wird bei issue 2/3/2020 aufgeführt, obwohl Heft in 2019 erschienen ist K1 Identity (Psychology) K1 Punishment K1 Gezi Park Protests, Turkey, 2013 K1 Political Participation K1 Occupy Wall Street protest movement K1 PUBLIC demonstrations K1 Police shootings K1 Social sciences education