RT Book T1 Multicultural child maltreatment risk assessment: effective evaluation for diverse populations A1 Binensztok, Vassilia LA English PP New York London PB Routledge YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1745016945 AB "Multicultural Child Maltreatment Risk Assessment provides detailed descriptions of child maltreatment assessment and key strategies for culturally informed risk assessment in families. The book presents a new model for evaluating families that includes cultural competence, a conceptualization of adequate parenting, and strategies for reflective decision making. Chapters address a range of factors including race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and sexuality. Ten case studies, each including discussion prompts, challenge the reader to apply forensic evaluation techniques for effective and ethical decision making in complex and ambiguous cases. Both experienced mental health providers and students will come away from the book with a deeper understanding of child maltreatment and its effects, models and modes of assessment, and factors that place families at greater risk"-- NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV6626.5 SN 9780367464035 SN 9780367464042 K1 Child Abuse : Evaluation K1 Cultural competence K1 Kindesmisshandlung : Risikofaktor : Risikoanalyse