RT Article T1 Imprisonment and Human Rights in Latin America: an Introduction JF The prison journal VO 98 IS 1 SP 17 OP 39 A1 León Villalba, Francisco Javier de LA English YR 2018 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1742598579 AB This article reflects on Latin American prisoners’ human rights to give an up-to-date picture of the state of play and to establish the benchmarks on how this issue can be approached in future research activities. In an attempt to establish methodological guidelines for approaching the Latin American context, the article contextualizes Latin American prisoner human rights standards within the inter-American system of human rights. Then, it addresses three key issues that have a direct impact on the treatment of prisoners and the most important problems in Latin American prisons. K1 Latin American prison systems K1 Human rights standards K1 Inter-American prisoner human rights system DO 10.1177/0032885517743442