RT Article T1 Entrepreneurship Education in the Transformation of Incarcerated Individuals: A Review of the Literature and Future Research Directions: JF International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology VO 64 IS 15 SP 1551 OP 1570 A1 Grosholz, Jessica M. A1 Kabongo, Jean D. A1 Morris, Michael H. A1 Wichern, Ashley LA English YR 2020 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1738731820 AB This article draws upon the theories of entrepreneurial cognition, planned behavior, and criminal desistance to understand the role of entrepreneurship education in the behavioral and cognitive transformation of incarcerated individuals. Specifically, this article considers how participation in an entrepreneurship education program should influence entrepreneurial opportunity recognition, cognitive transformation, and institutional misconduct. It suggests these changes are more likely to influence an incarcerated person’s entrepreneurial intentions and criminal desistance. The six propositions presented shed light on how an incarcerated individual’s willingness to change his or her attitudes and develop an entrepreneurial mind-set influence his or her behavior in prison and prepares him or her to prosper in a dynamic and complex world after release. This article argues that the study of one’s transformation while incarcerated through the discovery, evaluation, and exploitation of opportunities is likely to advance empirical and theoretical perspectives of the fields of entrepreneurship. The examination of how incarcerated persons deal with fear of failure, risk aversion, and identity, in particular, presents great opportunities for future research. K1 Entrepreneurship education K1 Entrepreneurial skills K1 Criminality K1 Inmate transformation K1 Entrepreneurial intention DO 10.1177/0306624X20928020