RT Article T1 Mediating Effect of Attributional Biases in the Impulsivity–Aggression Relationship Among Adolescents: therapeutic Implications JF International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology VO 64 IS 13/14 SP 1443 OP 1460 A1 Singh, Parwinder LA English YR 2020 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1738726614 AB Aggression is a multidimensional phenomenon, and for its better understanding, specificity involved in its dynamics must be explored. This article explores the role of attributional bias as a mediator between impulsivity and aggressive tendencies among adolescents. The mediating effect of hostile attributional bias (HAB) on the impulsivity-aggression relationship has not been studied extensively so far, especially in the Indian context. For testing the hypotheses, 320 participants within the age range 12 to 15 years (M age = 13.57 years) were selected and administered relevant standardized questionnaires. Baron and Kenny’s criterion was used for mediation analysis, demonstrating that HAB partially mediates the association between impulsivity and aggression. Findings imply that reducing HAB through some reattribution intervention may be an effective strategy to reduce impulsivity-induced aggression. Specific guidelines to implement such interventions are suggested in the discussion. K1 Aggression K1 Impulsivity K1 Hostile attributional bias K1 Mediation DO 10.1177/0306624X20912998