RT Article T1 “Racialized masculinities”: a gendered response to marginalization among Malay boys in Singapore JF The Australian and New Zealand journal of criminology VO 52 IS 1 SP 94 OP 110 A1 Narayanan, Ganapathy A2 Balachandran, Lavanya LA English YR 2019 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1737725215 AB While social disorganization and anomie theories are generally employed to explain the disproportionate representation of racial minorities in the offending population, such perspectives often fail to address the intersectionalities of class, race, religion, gender, and historicity that structurally marginalize the Malay youth in Singapore. This article hence adopts a neocolonial criminological approach in explaining racial disparity in crime, particularly how the Malay youth establish their dominance in gangs through hyper- and exaggerated forms of masculinity. Drawing on interviews with Singaporean Malay and Chinese individuals who were current and former gang members, this study shows that Malay youth tended to exhibit a blended masculinity comprising “Malayness” and “Chineseness” to compensate for their marginal status, highlighting their agentic capacity in strategically tapping upon an inventory of race resources to negotiate their gendered identities and attain status and economic mobility in the illegitimate society. K1 Gangs K1 Masculinity K1 Neocolonialism K1 Race K1 Singapore society DO 10.1177/0004865818768675