RT Book T1 In search of safety: confronting inequality in women's imprisonment T2 Gender and justice A1 Owen, Barbara A. A2 Wells, James A2 Pollock, Joycelyn M. 1956- LA English PP Oakland, California PB University of California Press YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1734597453 AB Intersectional inequality and women's imprisonment -- Pathways and intersecting inequality -- Prison community, prison conditions, and gendered harm -- Searching for safety through prison capital -- Inequalities and contextual conflict -- Intersections of inequality with correctional staff -- Gendered human rights and the search for safety. AB In Search of Safety takes a close look at the sources of gendered violence and conflict in women's prisons. The authors examine how intersectional inequalities and cumulative disadvantages are at the root of prison conflict and violence and mirror the women's pathways to prison. Women must negotiate these inequities by developing forms of prison capital-social, human, cultural, emotional, and economic-to ensure their safety while inside. The authors also analyze how conflict and subsequent violence result from human-rights violations inside the prison that occur within the gendered context of NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV9471 SN 0520963563 SN 9780520963566 K1 Women Prisoners : United States : Social conditions K1 Prisons : Social aspects : United States K1 Women Prisoners : Violence against : United States K1 SOCIAL SCIENCE ; Penology K1 Social Science ; Criminology K1 Prisons ; Social aspects K1 Women prisoners ; Social conditions K1 United States K1 USA : Weibliche Gefangene : Soziale Situation : Ungleichheit K1 USA : Frauenstrafvollzug : Weibliche Gefangene : Soziale Situation : Ungleichheit K1 eBook-EBSCO-eBook-Academic-Collection