RT Article T1 America’s most wanted criminals: comparing cybercriminals and traditional criminals JF Criminal justice studies VO 32 IS 1 SP 1 OP 15 A1 Payne, Brian A2 Hadzhidimova, Lora A2 May, David C. 1966- LA English YR 2019 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1733105883 AB Reports of cybercrime have escalated over the past decade. While these crimes have increased, our understanding about the dynamics surrounding cyber offenders has not kept pace. Few studies have considered the characteristics of serious cyber criminals in comparison to other types of criminals. To fill this void in the literature, we examine a sample of cybercriminals appearing on the FBIs Most Wanted List and compare the characteristics of these offenders to other most wanted offenders. Results suggest that the most wanted cyber offenders are similar to other offenders in that it is a male-dominated offense category, but they are different from other offenders in that they are younger and more likely to exhibit certain types of physical and lifestyle characteristics. Implications for policy and future research are provided. K1 Cybercrime K1 Cybersecurity K1 International Crime DO 10.1080/1478601X.2018.1532420