RT Article T1 Public Opinion About Gun Control Post–Sandy Hook JF Criminal justice policy review VO 28 IS 3 SP 255 OP 278 A1 Wozniak, Kevin H. LA English YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1725466104 AB I use data from a national public opinion poll conducted 4 months after the mass shooting of teachers and students in Sandy Hook Elementary School to analyze the content and predictors of public opinion about gun control and gun control politics. I find that a slim majority of Americans favors a semiautomatic weapon ban and proposals to make gun control laws stricter, and a large majority supports a federal background check law. Consistent with previous research, I also find that both instrumental concerns and cultural beliefs are significantly related to people’s opinions about gun control, but the strongest, most consistent predictors of people’s gun control preferences are their political beliefs and affiliations. I conclude by discussing the implications of these findings for the national gun control debate. K1 Public opinion K1 Gun control K1 Semiautomatic weapon K1 Background check DO 10.1177/0887403415577192