RT Book T1 The Limits of Community Policing: Civilian Power and Police Accountability in Black and Brown Los Angeles A1 Gascón, Luis Daniel A2 Roussell, Aaron LA English PP New York, NY PB New York University Press YR 2019 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1724741489 AB A critical look at the realities of community policing in South Los AngelesThe Limits of Community Policing addresses conflicts between police and communities. Luis Daniel Gascón and Aaron Roussell depart from traditional conceptions, arguing that community policing—popularized for decades as a racial panacea—is not the solution it seems to be. Tracing this policy back to its origins, they focus on the Los Angeles Police Department, which first introduced community policing after the high-profile Rodney King riots. Drawing on over sixty interviews with officers, residents, and stakeholders in South LA’s “Lakeside” precinct, they show how police tactics amplified—rather than resolved—racial tensions, complicating partnership efforts, crime response and prevention, and accountability. Gascón and Roussell shine a new light on the residents of this neighborhood to address the enduring—and frequently explosive—conflicts between police and communities. At a time when these issues have taken center stage, this volume offers a critical understanding of how community policing really works AB Frontmatter -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- List of figures and tables -- Preface -- Introduction -- 1. Roots, rebellion, and reform -- 2. The making of lakeside -- 3. Organizing the division -- 4. Complaint encounters -- 5. No place for the mom- and- pops -- 6. The politics of partnership -- Conclusion -- Acknowledgments -- Methodological appendix: On police and partner ethnography -- Participant appendix: who’s who in the text -- Notes -- References -- Index -- About the authors CN HV8148.L55 SN 9781479870318 K1 Police-community relations : California : Los Angeles K1 Police : California : Los Angeles K1 Police : Complaints against : California : Los Angeles K1 Hispanic Americans : California : Los Angeles K1 African Americans : California : Los Angeles K1 Social Science / Criminology K1 Black studies K1 Latino studies K1 advocacy K1 civilian review boards K1 collaborative ethnography K1 collaborative governance K1 community governance K1 community policing K1 consumer capitalism K1 corporate sponsorship K1 crime prevention K1 genealogy K1 governmentality K1 grassroots activism K1 language differences K1 legality K1 liberalism K1 moral order K1 neighborhood disputes K1 pathologization K1 police accountability K1 police authority K1 police commission K1 police legitimacy K1 police workforce K1 policeability K1 postindustrial city K1 post-civil rights era K1 public complaints K1 public perceptions K1 eBook-DeGruyter-EBS-2021-2022 DO 10.18574/9781479870318