RT Article T1 Therapeutic Outcomes of Changing Lives and Changing Outcomes for Male and Female Justice Involved Persons with Mental Illness$d JF Criminal justice and behavior VO 46 IS 12 SP 1678 OP 1699 A1 Gaspar, Monika A2 Morgan, Robert D. A2 Brown, Lexie A2 Gigax, Gregory A2 Ramler, Taylor A2 Ridley, Kim A2 Scanlon, Faith LA English YR 2019 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1724460730 AB Changing Lives and Changing Outcomes (CLCO) was developed to address the unique treatment needs of individuals with co-occurring mental illness and criminogenic risk. Previous evaluations of CLCO demonstrated effectiveness for male participants, but did not examine treatment effectiveness across participant sex. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine differences in treatment outcomes among male and female probationers receiving CLCO. Participants were assessed pre- and posttreatment. Results indicated positive treatment effects across both psychiatric and criminogenic domains, including psychiatric symptomology and global mental health functioning, medication adherence, attitudes toward mental illness recovery, and antisocial cognitions. Female participants demonstrated enhanced treatment responsiveness relative to males across several domains. This study underscores the effectiveness of the program in addressing both mental health and criminogenic needs in correctional populations, while highlighting the differential impact of the program across participant sex. Implications, future directions, and limitations of the present study are discussed. K1 Criminal justice K1 Corrections K1 Treatment K1 Mental illness DO 10.1177/0093854819879743