RT Article T1 Differences and Similarities in Predictors of Externalizing Behavior Problems Between Boys and Girls: A 1-Year Follow-Up Study JF Criminal justice and behavior VO 45 IS 12 SP 1852 OP 1870 A1 Habersaat, Stéphanie 1983- A2 Fegert, Jörg M. 1956- A2 Schmeck, Klaus 1956- A2 Gasser, Jacques 1956- A2 Boonmann, Cyril A2 Francescotti, Eric A2 Perler, Christian A2 Schmid, Marc A2 Stéphan, Philippe A2 Urben, Sébastien LA English YR 2018 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1702641228 AB The aim of this study was to investigate the sex-specific predictive value of age of onset of delinquent behaviors, callous-unemotional (CU) traits, and anger-irritability problems for externalizing behavior problems in institutionalized adolescents over the course of 1 year. A total of 118 girls and 240 boys from child welfare and juvenile justice institutions were evaluated twice: At T1, age of onset, CU traits, anger-irritability problems, nonverbal reasoning, and externalizing behavior problems were measured; at T2 (later), externalizing behavior problems were measured a second time. Results showed significant interactions between sex and anger-irritability problems, and between sex and CU traits, in the sense that the relation between these two predictors at T1 and externalizing behavior problems at T2 was stronger in girls than in boys. Results of this study point out sex differences in the validity of predictors of externalizing behavior problems. K1 Externalizing behavior problems K1 Sex K1 Anger–irritability problems K1 Callous-unemotional traits K1 Age of onset DO 10.1177/0093854818800364