RT Book T1 Dimensions of crime as a social problem A2 Bell, Keith J. A2 McNamara, Robert Hartmann 1960- LA English PP Durham, North Carolina PB Carolina Academic Press YR 2020 ED Second edition UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1694229394 AB "While most edited books about crime typically concentrate on a particular dimension of it-the police, the court system, or the theories of crime, this book is unique in that it connects a specific problem like crime to a larger set of social problems in American society. Thus, by understanding the challenges presented by poverty, racism, inadequate education, gender, and other issues, one gains a greater understanding of the interplay between these problems as well as how they influence and are influenced by the nature of crime. This book draws on a number of researchers who have examined these relationships and offer students invaluable insight into the complexities of the problems facing society"-- NO 1. Auflage herausgegeben von Robert Hartmann McNamara NO Includes index CN HV6025 SN 9781531016500 K1 Crime : Sociological aspects K1 Kriminalsoziologie