RT Article T1 Buying Sex as Edgework: Hong Kong Male Clients in Commercial Sex JF The British journal of criminology VO 56 IS 1 SP 105 OP 122 A1 Kong, Travis LA English YR 2016 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1694154378 AB Commercial sex is a risky business and men who buy sex engage in a form of voluntary risky behaviour. Using Stephen Lyng’s notion of edgework, this qualitative study examines Hong Kong men who buy sex in Hong Kong/China and argues that these men’s engagement can be understood as a form of leisure edgework which balances risk and pleasure by negotiating the boundary between order and chaos. This article concludes that men buying sex can be seen as a form of resistance to normative companionate sexuality and the skills they exercise are key cultural principles needed in late-modern society. Edgework therefore plays an important role in modern intimacy, especially in shaping masculinity and men’s sexual scripts K1 Edgework K1 Men who buy sex/male clients K1 Chinese masculinity K1 Companion-ate/recreational sexuality K1 Commercial sex DO 10.1093/bjc/azv040